Additional Rules & Information

PARA U14 State Championships

Seven Springs Mountain Resort
February 22 - 23, 2025


USSS regulation helmets are mandatory for all disciplines.

Official Jury postings are posted in the scoreboard window at the bottom of the Timing Hut on Avalanche Slope.

Per USSS guidelines, ski rule violations will be handled on a protest basis only.  Ski rule violations will be subject to disqualification.

Free parking is available in the hotel area above the WPRC Training Center, or in the maintenance parking lot located below Avalanche lift.  Please DO NOT park in the Ski Patrol parking area or access road at the bottom of Avalanche – you will be towed.

Athletes and parents are welcome to the use the WPRC Training Center located at the base of Tyrol Slope.  All ski equipment must be kept off the catwalk located on the uphill side of the training center. Ski patrol must have clear access through the catwalk at all times.


Event Format and Scoring

The PARA U14 State Championships will consist of 3 runs of Slalom and 3 runs of Giant Slalom, and an optional Speed Training day on Friday.  New World Cup points will be assigned for each run of Slalom and Giant Slalom. Overall State Champions, State Team, and postseason event selection will be based on total New World Cup Points from the six runs. Tie breaks follow the "Inside/Out Method".

Discipline awards will also be given for Slalom and Giant Slalom based on total New World Cup Points from all three runs of each discipline.  Tie breaks follow the "Inside/Out Method".

Weather and unavoidable circumstances may reduce the total number or mix of possible runs for use in determining the final rankings.

Event scoring will be available online at:

WPRC will use to provide online live results.


Race Day Communications - Remind

WPRC uses Remind to send text and e-mail race communications the day of the race.  To join the WPRC Remind group for the PARA U14 State Championships, enter your contact information here: 

To opt out from a Remind distribution list, please follow the instructions on the following help page:


Live Feed of Race Hill

Starting in 2024, WPRC has been able to live feed their races from a camera positioned in the back of the finish.  The live feed is available here:


Race Day Photos

Starting in 2024, we are very excited to have Heidi Lewis take photos of all WPRC races.  She makes all photos available for download via this link:

You can also purchase prints from her site if so inclined.


PARA Web Store

For individuals interested in purchasing PARA branded gear, please check out the PARA web store:

WPRC Logo - Header

Western Pennsylvania Race Club (WPRC) is a successfully run ski program based at Seven Springs. The club has been in operation since 1962. WPRC promotes the development of youth athletics through alpine ski racing.

P.O. Box 153
Melcroft, PA 15462