Volunteer Sign Up
WPRC kindly requests each racer to have a parent or friend assist with officiating or gate judging at least one of the race days, either Saturday or Sunday. With everyone's help, we hope to make this race a positive and memorable experience for all.
Assignment duties can be requested online at:
Volunteer duties will be filled on a first come, first serve basis. If you have any questions or issues regarding volunteer duties or signup, please contact the WPRC Volunteer Coordinator, Mark Tulenko (volunteer@wprcskiteam.org). A sign-up for race duties will be available at registration.
Thank you in advance for your assistance!
LIFT TICKETS FOR VOLUNTEERS - Epic passes are accepted at 7 Springs. For those that do not have an Epic pass, we will be able to provide free lift tickets for those required to be on the hill. However, the mountain requires us to provide the names of these individuals 1 week prior to our event. VOLUNTEERS MUST SIGNUP IN THE VOLUNTEER SIGNUP SHEET BY 8:00 AM THE MONDAY PRIOR TO THE EVENT TO RECEIVE A FREE LIFT TICKET. Anyone who signs up after this date will be responsible to purchase their own ticket.
Volunteer passes will be distributed in the finish area at the conclusion of the Team Captains meeting each day.
IMPORTANT FOR ALL: Vail is using RFID readers and scanning passes every run. Tickets must be on the individual in order to ride the lift. Tickets need not be visible, but if you do not have your ticket on your person, you will not be allowed to ride the lift. Racers in speed suits claiming “it’s in my jacket at the top” will not be allowed to ride the lift.
Instructions for online volunteer signup:
The WPRC Volunteer Sign-up sheet runs through Google Spreadsheets & Forms. We recommend using a computer or a tablet with the Google Sheets application. Do not use a smartphone or an internet browser on a tablet, because some of the dropdown selections do not work on these devices.
- Open the WPRC Volunteer Sign-up Sheet.
- In row 1 in the yellow dropdown, select the race for which you would like to volunteer.
- Make sure that you have selected one of the PARA U14 State Championship events. It should be one of the following values:
- “2/22/25 – PARA U14 State Championships – SL”
- “2/23/25 – PARA U14 State Championships – GS”
- Make sure that you have selected one of the PARA U14 State Championship events. It should be one of the following values:
- Review spreadsheet and identify an open duty that you would like to request. If a duty has already been requested, a name will appear next to the duty
- Next to the role you would like to request, click on the link “sign me up” to open the volunteer request form.
- Please note, in Google Spreadsheets, you must first click on the cell with the URL, and then click on the URL in the pop up to launch the request form
- Complete the “WPRC Race Volunteer Request” form
- In the “Volunteer Contact Information” section:
- For non-WPRC members, please select “I am not a WPRC member (nm)” in the “Select Name” dropdown
- Enter your first name, last name, and day of race contact information.
- In the “Volunteer Role” section, do not change these values. The fields should automatically populate based on the link the you clicked in the volunteer sign-up spreadsheet.
- Click the blue “Submit” button at the bottom of the page.
- In the “Volunteer Contact Information” section:
- After submitting your request, return to WPRC Volunteer Sign-up Sheet to confirm your name appears in the appropriate race duty for the appropriate race.
- If the race duty was open prior to your request, your name will automatically appear in the race / duty you requested
Additional Information:

Western Pennsylvania Race Club (WPRC) is a successfully run ski program based at Seven Springs. The club has been in operation since 1962. WPRC promotes the development of youth athletics through alpine ski racing.