WPRC COVID-19 Guidelines
The health and well-being of all athletes, coaches, officials, volunteers, and parents are a top priority for WPRC. The following pages detail the changes in normal policies and procedures in response to the current pandemic. Please be aware that these pages will be updated to reflect changes in directives and guidelines from national, state, and local authorities.
WPRC is taking guidance from the following health departments and agencies:
For sport specific guidance, WPRC is taking into account guidelines from:

COVID-19 Coordinator
In order to help navigate and execute these guidelines, the board has created the COVID-19 Coordinator position. The coordinator is responsible for creating our guidelines, acting as a central point of contact, communicating with our membership, and working with local authorities and mountain operations with regards to all things related to COVID-19. Should you have any questions, concerns, or comments, please do not hesitate to reach out directly to the COVID-19 Coordinator.
COVID-19 Coordinator:
Charles Donnellan
Guidelines and Policies
All US Ski and Snowboard clubs must follow the US Ski and Snowboarding guidelines for returning to training and racing. If you have not done so, you will want to check out the specific rules and regulations laid out in their guidelines to help you better understand what ski racing will look like for everyone this season.
It should be noted that the rest of the WPRC website has been left with information on "normal" WPRC operating procedures. The COVID-19 guidelines are meant to supersede any information documented elsewhere in the WPRC website. If a topic is not addressed by the COVID-19 Guidelines, then it is safe to assume normal WPRC operating procedures.
The following links provide guidance on WPRC specific operations, and work in conjunction with the US Ski and Snowboard COVID-19 rules and guidelines.

Western Pennsylvania Race Club (WPRC) is a successfully run ski program based at Seven Springs. The club has been in operation since 1962. WPRC promotes the development of youth athletics through alpine ski racing.