Official Postings

Official Postings


  • No written or electronic scoreboard in the bottom of the Timing Hut
  • LiveTiming will be the scoreboard
  • Clock in Timing Hut second floor window will be in use

Official Postings

  • No posting of documents in Timing Hut first floor window
  • All postings will be electronic to LiveTiming, including:
    • Start lists
    • Referee reports
  • Use Remind to supplement with text announcements


  • No written protests allowed
  • Notification of protest must be made emailed to WPRC Race Secretary (
  • Hearing will be done in person in either finish area or by gate shack


Revised: 12/7/20

WPRC Logo - Header

Western Pennsylvania Race Club (WPRC) is a successfully run ski program based at Seven Springs. The club has been in operation since 1962. WPRC promotes the development of youth athletics through alpine ski racing.

P.O. Box 153
Melcroft, PA 15462