Come prepared to stay out for the entire session!!!
Coaches will limit the number of breaks as much as possible. When needed, coaches may take groups into 7 Springs facilities to warm up or to use the bathrooms. However, due to capacity limits within facilities and the size of our groups, the whole group may not be able to go into a facility at one time. Coaches may need to send only a few athletes in at a time.
If groups take a break:
- Observe building capacity limits
- Limit duration to 10 minutes
- Keep groups as isolated from general public as possible
- Equipment should be contained and handled only by the owner of the equipment --- Don't touch other peoples things!!!
- No eating
- Wear masks at all times
- Wash hands before leaving
Coaches may end sessions early if athletes struggle with the weather.
In the event a session ends more than 15 minutes ahead of schedule:
- U12 / U14 / U16 / U19 athletes will be released from practice as normal, and a message will be sent out through TeamSnap by the age group coach.
- U10 athletes will be brought to the WPRC Training Center. A notice will be sent out through TeamSnap. Athletes will be supervised by the age group coach until the athlete has been picked up.
Revised: 11/11/20

Western Pennsylvania Race Club (WPRC) is a successfully run ski program based at Seven Springs. The club has been in operation since 1962. WPRC promotes the development of youth athletics through alpine ski racing.